Old South Church welcomes HDS’ K. Healan Gaston and filmmaker Martin Doblmeier

10:00 am Community Hour programming kicks off on Sunday September 17 with Christian Resistance and the Legacy of Niebuhr and Bonhoeffer, led by guest facilitator K. Healan Gaston, Lecturer on Christian Ethics and American Religious History at Harvard Divinity School, and current president of The Niebuhr Society. She will lead our three-week exploration of the witness and thinking of two of the 20th century's most important activist-theologians. We will wonder together how the legacies of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Reinhold Niebuhr might inspire courageous, Christian living in our own challenging times.

On September 17 Professor Gaston will be joined by PBS documentary filmmaker Martin Doblmeier, whose works on Niebuhr and Bonhoeffer will be screened for the OSC community at the following times:

An American Conscience: The Reinhold Niebuhr Story will be shown at Boston University on Friday, September 15 from 5:00 - 6:00 pm with discussion and reception to follow. OSC members are warmly invited to attend and participate! (Please RSVP to anthony@oldsouth.org if you plan to come.) It will also be shown at Old South Church on Sunday, September 17 at 12:15 pm.

Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Pacifist, Nazi Resister will be shown at Old South Church on Sunday, September 17 at 12:15 pm with a pizza lunch provided.

If you are unable to attend one of the screenings, Old South Church has three DVD copies of each film we can loan out to members who wish to watch them at home.

Additionally, Krista Tippett's 'On Being' interview with filmmaker Martin Doblmeier is available here.