The Reverend Ashley Popperson opened the Council's first fall meeting by leading us through the Examen, a spiritual exercise developed by St. Ignatius of…
Audrey Woodhams is a writer, worship leader, Dove Award-nominated songwriter, mom of three, teacher, founder of creative communities, and – most deeply in all…
Vice-Moderator Mark Chitty opened our June Council meeting with a reading from Corinthians. After approving Clerk Rob Gabler’s excellent minutes from our May…
When I think of Old South Church, I think of fun and joy and food. I like that it's very welcoming and loving and caring. And, you make a lot of new friends.”
This church shares our values. Together we hold the heartache of the world’s refugee crisis, care for an earth in peril, and work toward a world where our daughters have a fair shot to run for office. And, icing on the cake, nobody bats an eye that we're a two mom family!”