The Season of Lent

Lent 2024: An Exploration of Sin

This Lent, join us in exploring the theme of "sin" through thought-provoking worship experiences, enlightening sermons, and engaging community hour discussions. We aim to create spaces for authentic self-reflection, moving away from guilt and judgment and embracing compassion for our shared human imperfections. Let's navigate the nuances of sin together, viewing it not as a tool for condemnation but as a catalyst for profound self-discovery and collective healing. Together, we strive to deepen our connection with the divine, fostering a community that embodies grace, love, and the ever-present potential for redemption.

During this Season of Lent, each service will take us further into our journey exploring sin. Join us in person or via livestream.

  • February 18th: Personal sin | Romans 7 
  • February 25th: Sinning against others | Galatians 5:19-25
  • March 3rd: Being sinned against | Matthew 18
  • March 10th: Original sin | Romans 5:12-14
  • March 17th: Intergenerational sin | Ezekiel 18

Sundays at 10am

  • March 17th: Join Rev. John Edgerton to hear about one of the most ancient concepts of sin--learn how pomegranate shaped bells would help avoid being accidentally struck dead by God!
  • March 24th: Join Rev. Ashley Popperson this week for a conversation about our own understandings of sin and how it has changed throughout our lives. 

Join us at 6 p.m. every Thursday for a Twilight Worship Series on Courageous Endurance. We'll be exploring stories of folks who’ve taken creative action for justice when stuck in systems that don’t support flourishing life. We hope these brave folks can be companions to you on the journey as we walk together towards the cross.


Holy Week

Our Holy Week services will be both in-person and streamed online.

9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
We mark Jesus’ triumphal entrance into Jerusalem as our shouts of Hosanna fade to the drama of the coming week. 

7:00 p.m. | Service of Tenebrae
This service of Tenebrae (Latin for Shadows) tells the story of Jesus’ last days. Led by the Willie Sordillo Ensemble, we journey from the Communion Table to the Cross as the light around us dims.

7:00 p.m.
Guided by Franz Liszt's Via Crucis, we journey through the stations of the cross on the most somber day of the Christian year. We gather in prayer and song to reflect on the last hours of Christ, and mourn the death that changed the world. 

9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. 
The triumph of the Christian story of resurrection informs a service of worship that is characterized by joyous celebration. Trumpet and organ, voice and timpani combine to bring us to the empty tomb, to peer inside, to see it is empty, to give God wild thanksgiving for the hope of everlasting life.

Latest News

By Kate Silfen, Church Historian | September 10, 2024 Council Meeting Report The Reverend Ashley Popperson opened the Council's first fall meeting by…
By Kate Silfen, Church Historian | July 9, 2024 Council Meeting Report Audrey Woodhams, Old South’s new Creative Director for our Twilight Service…

Upcoming Events

October 22, 2024 at 6:00 PM
October 23, 2024 at 1:00 PM