Heard It at Council (January 2015)

January 13, 2015

The last Council meeting of the term met January 13, 2015. It was a time to reflect on a busy year, bidding Godspeed to outgoing members, and anticipating changes in the New Year. The main business items were the new budget, the Leadership Committee slate, and the Boston Warm Day Center.

Rodney Click summarized the budget for 2015. The church is tracking toward closure of deficit spending by the end of 2017 or early 2018. The 2015 budget includes a 90k deficit, which will be offset by shrinking stored surplus from previous years. Proceeds from the sale of the Bay Psalm Book heritage asset will start to ease budget gaps and continue to allow capital reserves to be set aside. The 2015 budget calls for 300k in capital reserves. Congregational giving is strong and continues to impact the budget positively. There are a few changes in office staffing, including a new full time Director of Children and Family Ministries, which impact the 2015 budget. Cost savings from Project AIR are expected since heating and cooling are now more efficient. Council, Finance, and Trustees are very pleased to be tracking towards neutral budgets while attending to critical church maintenance in the setting of a sustainable endowment for the overall health of the Church.

Lisa Loveland presented the Leadership Committee slate for 2015. Traditionally, Council reviews the proposal in advance of the Annual Meeting at which the congregation will take a vote. The list of names will be posted in January ahead of the February 1st meeting. Notably, there are two additional deacons since three are leaving and five are added. Also, the Music Committee will expand. The Christian Education Committee previously merged with the Christians in Formation Task Force and now is called Christian Formation with some reduction in member count. The four officers—Moderator, Historian, Treasurer, and Clerk—each hold one-year terms. Notably, after three one-year terms, Moderator Mark Schueppert will step down. The Church owes Mark an enormous debt of gratitude for leading us through a very eventful three years. A new Moderator, Deb Washington, will assume responsibilities in 2015. Also, Leadership will present a proposal for some adjustments in the language of the church by-laws to allow for changes in committee structure.

Council reviewed a proposal for a temporary day shelter—Boston Warm Day Center—at Old South Church. Senior Minister Nancy Taylor and Associate Minister John Edgerton reviewed the recent history following the abrupt closure of the Long Island bridge and the consequent displacement of over 700 of our most vulnerable citizens. Church leaders have been working long hours together with other Boston clergy to engage the mayor and city councilors toward a solution. The current situation is untenable for more than 200 homeless men and women in inadequate facilities. Old South Church will open a day center to provide a warm space during the day and assist with storage of belongings, an important need, weekdays from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. City Mission Society and Starlight Ministries are helping to coordinate the effort. Volunteers are also needed. A big effort to clean and prepare the space is underway as well as fundraising. The goal is to open on Monday, January 19 and run through the end of March. In April, the city has plans to open a large facility. The shelter will temporarily displace the Youth Group, who will now meet in church office space. Council was very proud to hear of all these efforts by church leadership at a time of need for the city’s homeless. Council approved the request to open the temporary shelter.

A few updates from committees were heard. Trustees noted that a Christie’s brochure for important American silver is currently presenting several of the Church’s assets in beautiful fashion for auction. The Membership Committee is now giving cookies to first time Sunday visitors. The Communications Committee has updated the church website to include a smoother smartphone interface. And the Old South Church Facebook page is very close to 3,000 likes. If you haven’t “liked” us, please do! Planned Giving will be holding a Mary Norton Society event and wills clinic soon.

Council bids farewell to outgoing members: Mark Schueppert, Moderator, after three years of highly successful service and leadership; Karen Hand, Vice Moderator; Matt Underwood, member-at-large; Dan Bergstresser, Trustee representative; and Jennifer Craig, Planned Giving.

Council concluded with a 1923 prayer by Rev. George Gordon, led by Rev. Nancy Taylor.

Lisa Mahnke, Clerk