Senior Minister Candidate

Announcing the Candidate for the 21st Senior Minister of Old South Church in Boston:
Reverend John Marlow Edgerton

As the candidate for Old South's next Senior Minister, Rev. John Edgerton will preach at 6pm Jazz Worship on Thursday, June 22nd, as well as at 10am All-Church Worship on Sunday, June 25th.

Immediately following the service, a congregational meeting will be held in the Sanctuary where members will discuss and cast their votes. Those who are unable to attend in person can participate via Zoom.

About Rev. John Edgerton

Rev. John Edgerton is well-known to Old South Church in Boston, having served as our Associate Minister from 2012-2019. Since then, John went on to serve as the Senior Minister for First United Church of Oak Park, Illinois. John is a graduate of St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and of the University of Chicago Divinity School.

Much of John’s focus in ministry has been on the way Christians live their faith outside the walls of the church. John has a history of leadership in the national UCC, supporting churches to take prophetic action against racism and for LGBTQ inclusion. John loves all things food-related and spends much of his free time planning menus and cooking for his wife, Heather, and their daughter, Veronica.

About the Search Process

Click here to read the letter from the Search Committee.

The Senior Minister Search Committee underwent a year-long process during which they reviewed 50 profiles, interviewed 13 candidates via Zoom, watched dozens of sermons, read pastoral letters, spent hundreds of hours in prayer and discernment, and finally extended in-person invites to meet with four people, three of whom accepted.

Our two-day in-person experience consisted of a visit to Mass and Cass to work with and minister to people battling addiction and living on the street, a mock worship planning session with Old South clergy and staff, a Bible study, small group fellowship over lunches and dinners, a property tour and conversation about building use and the budget with operations staff, a two-hour formal interview, and a closing vespers service of word and sacrament. 

The fourteen members of the Search Committee recognize that neither John Edgerton nor Old South is perfect. We are confident, however, in the process that produced our candidate and unified in our belief that God is ready to use us and John’s collaborative leadership to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly into the next chapter of our life together in this church and in this city. We recommend and encourage that the congregation vote to call John Marlow Edgerton to serve as our 21st Senior Minister.

Search Committee Framework for Evaluation

FAITH: Worship, Preaching& Spirituality
Inspiring/Engaging (services and writing) Thoughtful articulation of personal faith (brings Bible to life) Progressive view of faith in action Loving God, following Jesus Christ, & being guided by the Holy Spirit; living a life of discipleship.

LEADERSHIP: Developing Talent | Management & Operations
Builds teams that encourage diverse views and deliver effective outcomes Good steward of resources (record of sound fiscal management) Collaborative leader/Excellent mentor Committed to continuous learning/growth Ability to delegate/say no/draw boundaries Ability to guide others to make hard decisions with grace, wisdom and empathy.

CHAMPIONING SOCIAL JUSTICE: Anti-racism | Climate Justice | Interfaith Leadership
Demonstrated public leadership on social issues Evidence of mobilizing congregation & community members to action Thoughtful articulation of social justice advocacy as a manifestation of Christian faith Examples of interfaith leadership.

COMMUNITY BUILDING Engaging, Growing & Diversifying Community
Success in growing/retaining membership Examples of post COVID success engaging members Creativity in leveraging technology Success in diversifying congregations Examples of building congregants' spiritual discipleship or leadership Track record of engaging children and youth in the church.


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